April 2024 Meeting
Monday, April 15th at 7:30 p.m.
Sparr Heights Community Center
Speaker: Marcus Roper
Program: "The Physics of Spore Dispersal"
Fungi use spores to move from one host to the next. Only microns in size, a spore can be carried aloft on even the slightest wind. But to enter the wind, the spore must first cross a boundary layer of nearly still air that clings to the fungus. In the first half of the 20th century, Reginald Buller did pioneering work to show how mushrooms, and fungi more generally, are adapted to give their spores the best chance of reaching dispersive winds. I will talk about recent work done in my laboratory at UCLA, re-exploring some of the adaptations that Buller identified, as well as our discoveries of previously unknown adaptations. The story emerging from our work, and others, is that far from being passive organs for producing spores, fungi are capable of exquisite feats of engineering when building their fruiting bodies.